Abstract & Extended abstract
How to get there
Hydro-meteorological hazards such as landslides, snow avalanches, debris flows, flash floods and river flooding have severe impact on society and economy, especially in mountain areas. The observed increase in disastrous events over the last decade, associated with an often low perception of most natural risks by the communities involved, along with the lack of efficient, socially accepted and environmentally sound remedial measures are among the drivers behind the increasing effects of hydro-meteorological risks. It is also evident that the effects of land use changes have to be taken into account not only within the risk analysis, but also in the planning strategies.
Considering such challenges, it is important to continue to develop an advanced understanding of how environmental, climate and socio-economic changes will affect the temporal and spatial patterns of hydro-meteorological hazards and associated risks, how these changes can be assessed, modelled, and incorporated into sustainable risk management strategies (focusing on spatial planning, emergency preparedness, risk communication and early warning systems).
The International Conference on the Analysis and Management of Changing Risk for Natural Hazards was organized to present and discuss research results in the above mentioned fields. The conference was held on 18 and 19 November, in Padua, Italy. The conference provided an opportunity to discuss multi-hazard risks and multi-disciplinary research results on the effects of changing hydro-meteorological risks and their effects on planning strategies. The conference focus was put both 1) on technical sessions presenting the state of the art research in the understanding of the natural processes and in the development of innovative methodologies for quantitative hazard and risk forecasts, and 2) on the practical integration of natural, engineering, economical and human sciences within multi-scale methodologies for risk management and prevention planning
The conference represented the culmination of the EC’s co-funded projects CHANGES (Changing Hydro-meteorological risks as Analysed by a New Generation of European Scientists, www.changes-itn.eu), and IncREO (Increasing Resilience through Earth Observation, www.increo-fp7.eu).

Contents |
The conference was attended by 170 participants, from 34 countries. A keynote lecture on the “Benefits and Limitations of Quantitative Risk Assessment in Dealing with Natural Hazards” was given by Dr. Suzanne Lacasse from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
There were 46 oral presentations and 62 posters.

The conference was organized in the following scientific sessions:
- Session A: Forecasting future changes in hydro-meteorological hazards (Moderator: Mihai Micu and Jean-Philippe Malet)
- Session B: Generating of asset maps, exposure analysis and vulnerability assessment (Moderator: Alessandro Pasuto).
- Session C: Risk Management, risk communication and risk governance in a changing environment (Moderator: Karen Sudmeier-Rieux)
- Session D: Methods for modelling changing risk to hydro-meteorological hazards (Moderator: Thomas Glade).
- Session E: Earth Observation data, geo-information and visualization tools for risk assessment (Moderator: Marc Mueller).
- Session F: Joint session with UNEP: Ecosystem-based disaster risk management (Moderator: Cees van Westen)
- Session G: Joint session with IAG Working Group on Geomorphological hazards: Lessons learned and transferability of multi-hazard risk assessment methods to developing countries (Moderator: Sunil Kumar De and Mauro Soldati)

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Supporting organizations
The conference was supported by the following organizations:
- The European Commission, 7th framework programme, Marie Curie Actions, Copernicus programme
- The European Geophysical Union
- European Centre on Geomorphological Hazards
- European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement, council of Europe
- United Nations Environmental Programme. Disasters, Environment, risk Reduction (Eco-DRR)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Venice Office
- International Association of Geomorphologists
- International Association for Natural Hazard Risk Management
