CCRM. Climate Change Risk Management
General description

Climate Change Risk Management (CCRM) is a specialist scientific consultancy originally developed at Oxford University, which offers technical and scientific expertise on a range of issues associated with contemporary and future climate change. Our role is to help businesses, government and others to understand climate change and plan for it. CCRM will provide input in the field of climate change modelling and its application to prediction of extreme precipitation events for flood and landslide hazard assessment.
Key competences and facilities
Climate change risk assessment, management and adaptation for organisations; Modelling of future climate scenarios using General Circulation Models (GCMs). We have the expertise to assess and run computer model simulations of the future climate to assess the likely nature of climate change from anywhere in the World.; Assessments of vulnerability of sites to sea level change; Hydrological modelling and flood risk analysis; Assessments and monitoring of water supply variations, natural hazard variability and climate change risk; Modelling of soil erosion and degradation of agricultural land associated with climate change; Socio-economic impact of climate change, particularly in relation to the tourism industry
Key persons
Dr S. Harrison( Quaternary science)
Dr D. Stainforth (Climate modeling)
Dr M. Wilson (Flood hazard and flood modeling)
Previous training programs and research
CCRM is a consultant for several businesses, employing a tiered approach to decision making and risk assessment by offering the following services: scoping studies, in-depth assessments, due diligence analysis for third parties, technical support for writing company reports, a climate change advisory committee which would be seconded to major companies.
ESR-01: secondment
ESR-04: secondment