IIASA. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
General description

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is a research institute with a 35 years history of examining challenging societal governance questions. IIASA is made up of eleven research programs, covering a diversity of global challenges such as energy, population, and forests. Within IIASA, the program on Risk and Vulnerability (RAV) examines issue of risk modelling, communication, management, and governance. RAV has an excellent record in both publishing peer reviewed scientific findings, and contributing practical insights to organizations worldwide responsible for risk governance. Their work focuses on both industrialized and less developed countries.
Key competences and facilities
RAV is made up of 20 researchers, with backgrounds in economics, political science, geography, anthropology, and other social science fields. It has access to IIASA’s excellent library and computing facilities, as well as to a global network of scientists throughout IIASA’s 18 member countries in Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa.
Key persons
Dr. Anthony Patt (Public Policy)
Dr. Dagmar Schröter (ecology, ecosystem services and climate change)
Previous training programs and research
Since its inception in the 1970s, IIASA has run the highly successful Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP), which brings approximately 50 advanced PhD students to IIASA each year for 3 months of collaboration with IIASA research scientists. Such internships have led to an amazing number of published journal articles, as well as the creation of countless professional contacts. While not itself a degree-granting institute, IIASA currently is home to over 25 PhD candidates from universities throughout Europe, working on project funding. They often participate in YSSP activities during the summer, and during the rest of the year in the institute’s frequent research seminars and outreach programs.
ESR-04: host
ESR-11: secondment
Malek Ž., Patt A., Schröter D. (2012). Identification of Ecosystem Services in the Subcarpathians of Buzău County in Romania. Conference proceeding at the Forum Carpaticum 2012
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Malek Ž., Patt A., Schröter D. (2012), Analysing recent land use change with respect to ecosystem services provision in mountain areas. Poster presentation at the ECOCHANGE Final conference, Zurich
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Lilliestam, J., Battaglini, A., Finlay, C., Fürstenwerth, D., Patt, A., Schellekens, G., Schmidt, P. (2012) An alternative to a global climate deal may be unfolding before our eyes. Climate and Development 4 (1) , pp. 1-4
Sharma, U., Scolobig, A., Patt, A. (2012) The effects of decentralization on the production and use of risk assessment: Insights from landslide management in India and Italy. Natural Hazards 64 (2) , pp. 1357-1371
Hanger, S., Pfenninger, S., Dreyfus, M., Patt, A. (2012) Knowledge and information needs of adaptation policy-makers: a European study. Regional Environmental Change , pp. 1-11
Sharma, U., Patt, A. (2012) Disaster warning response: The effects of different types of personal experience. Natural Hazards 60 (2) , pp. 409-423
Malek Ž., Schröter D., Glade T. (2013), Land use/ cover changes in European mountain areas: global driving forces and local destinies. Abstract for “Hochgebirge im Globalen Wandel”. Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge, 22. Jahrestagung 2012, Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn.
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Malek Ž, Schröter D, Patt A, Glade T (2012), Effects of global changes on mountain land use patterns and ecosystem services in a comparative case study: Italian Alps and Romanian Carpathians. Poster Presentation at the IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, Vienna
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Malek Ž, Scolobig A, Schröter D. 2014. Understanding Land Cover Changes in the Italian Alps and Romanian Carpathians Combining Remote Sensing and Stakeholder Interviews. Land 3(1):52-73