ITC. University of Twente. Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
General description
ITC provides international postgraduate education, research and project services in the field of geo-information science and earth observation using remote sensing and GIS. The aim of ITC's activities is the international exchange of knowledge, focusing on capacity building and institutional development in developing countries and emerging economies. The United Nations University- ITC School for Disaster Geo-Information Management focuses on the application of Geoinformation to disaster risk management. Within the UNU-ITC DGIM School there are 20 PhDs that carry out research in different parts of the world. |
Key competences and facilities |
ITC has 6 scientific departments with 240 staff and 18 professors, many of which are in disciplines with a clear relation to DRM (hazard assessment, hydrology, planning, EIA, SDI, Web-GIS, Visualisation, Cost-benefit analysis, decision support systems, Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation). ITC is promoting the use of Open Source software for Geoinformation handling and has been developing the ILWIS system over the years. ITC also has expertise in teaching professional skills, and in project management activities. |
Key persons |
Previous training programs and research |
ITC has been involved in many related projects dealing with research and training, together with many of the other partners in the network, such as FP6 MCITN “Mountain Risk”; FP6 CASITA II ; FP6 ENSURE; FP6 DESIRE; FP7 SAFELAND; FP 5 RUNOUT: Major Risk From Rapid, Large-Volume Landslides in Europe.";World Bank project CAPRA; NL Government funded MATRA project in Georgia. ITC is involved in several ERASMUS programmes, e.g. ERASMUS Mundus external cooperation windows. |
Website |
ESRs/ERs |
Razak, K.A., Straatsma, M.W., van Westen, C.J., Malet, J.-P. , de Jong, S.M. (2011). Airborne laser scanning of forested landslides characterization: Terrain model quality and visualization, Geomorphology, Volume 126, Issues 1-2, Pages 186-200
ITC, CNRS, ISI Publications, WP1, 2011-10-08
Hussin,H.Y., Quan Luna,B.van Westen,C.J., Christen,M., Malet,J.-P. and van Asch, Th. W. J. (2012) Parameterization of a numerical 2-D debris flow model with entrainment: a case study of the Faucon catchment, Southern French Alps. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 3075-3090
ITC, CNRS, ISI Publications, WP1, WP2, WP3, 2012-10-19
Turkington, T., van Westen, C., Ettema, J. (2012), The challenges of identifying and analyzing triggering rainfall amounts for floods and landslides in Europe as part of the CHANGES project. Poster presentation at VALUE End User Conference, Kiel
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ITC, Conference presentation, WP1, 2012-10-22
Hussin, H.Y., Quan Luna, B., van Westen, C.J., Christen, M., Malet, J.-P. and van Asch, Th.W.J. (2012). Assessing the debris flow run-out frequency of a catchment in the French Alps using a parameterization analysis with the RAMMS numerical run-out model. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-12593
ITC, CNRS, CNR, Conference presentation, WP3, 2012-10-22
Quan Luna, B.., Remaître, A., van Asch, T.W.J., Malet, J.-P., van Westen, C.J. (2012). Analysis of debris flow behavior with a one dimensional run-out model incorporating entrainment. Engineering Geology 128 , pp. 63-75
ITC, CNRS, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Fan, X., van Westen, C.J., Xu, Q., Gorum, T. and ... [et al.] (2012) Analysis of landslide dams induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. In: Journal of Asian earth sciences, 57 (2012) pp. 25-37
ITC, ISI Publications, WP1, WP3, 2012-10-31
Peters-Guarin, G., McCall, M.K. and van Westen, C.J. (2012) Coping strategies and risk manageability : using participatory geographical information systems to represent local knowledge. In: Disasters : the journal of disaster studies policy and management, 36 (2012)1 pp. 1-27
ITC, ISI Publications, WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, 2012-10-31
Bièvre, G., Kniess, U., Jongmans, D., Pathier, E., Schwartz, S., van Westen, C.J. and ... [et al.] (2011) Paleotopgraphic control of landslides in lacustrine deposits : Trièves plateau, French western Alps. In: Geomorphology : an international journal of pure and applied geomorphology, 125 (2011)1 pp. 214-224
ITC, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Blahut, J., van Westen, C.J. and Sterlacchini, S. (2010) Analysis of landslide inventories for accurate prediction of debris - flow source areas. In: Geomorphology : an international journal of pure and applied geomorphology, 119 (2010)1-2 pp. 36-51.
ITC, CNR, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Frigerio, S. and van Westen, C.J. (2011) RiskCity and WebRiskCity : educating responders and the public about risk management. In: ACSM Bulletin, (2011)249 pp. 19-20
ITC, CNR, ISI Publications, WP4, 2012-10-31