General description

The Dept. of Civil Defence of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region coordinates all the activities related to prevention, forecasting, prediction, alert, fast intervention and rescue in case of disasters. Moreover it coordinates the volunteer activities in the 219 municipalities of the Region. Since 1976 when a big earthquake struck the Region it acquired great experiences in emergency and post emergency management both at national and international level. It also manages the building and the maintenance of all countermeasures at regional level. It is involved in planning (e.g., drafting of the hydro-geological setting plane) and educational (e.g., conference, seminars for general public and schoolchildren) activities. The headquarter in Palmanova (UD) consisting of about 200 technicians and coordinates the activities of more than 8000 volunteers. PC-FVG is involved both as stakeholder organization involved in risk management, and as expert organisation in the field of emergency response, and the application of spatial information for risk management.
Key competences and facilities
Competencies: disaster management; emergency and post-emergency intervention; education and preparedness; design and fulfilment of mitigation measures;land planning.
Facilities: twenty-four hours a day emergency room; IT labs; cartographic lab; meteo forecasting and warning labs;laser scanner and other geotechnical instrumentation.