TUD: Technische Universiteit Delft
General description

The Delft University of Technology has over 2700 academic staff. Its mission is to contribute significantly to the development of responsible solutions to urgent societal problems in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. The Department Water Management consists of three sections with have 45 research staff of which 14 professors and more than 60 PhD students. Its expertise is on water management and related hazards, hydrology and sanitation. It is specialized in combining state-of-the art science and technology with significant contribution in the field of communication between technical professionals and stakeholders.
Key competences and facilities
Long standing expertise in water related hazards (floods, mass movements). Abundant experience in different risk communication techniques, writing of emergency and evacuation plans. Development of web based education tool on flood risks
Key persons
Dr. Thom Bogaard (Land degradation, hydrology)
Dr. Erik Mostert (Law in water management)
Previous training programs and research
EU funded Research projects FP7: Safeland, FP6 Floodsite, FP6 MCRTN ‘Mountain Risks’, FP5 Ecoslopes, FP4 Hycosi. International training programmes: Risks project, June2009 Suisse. Development of education materials on flood risk management, 2008. Post-graduate course on the Flood Risk Directive, 2008
ESR-12: host
ESR-10: secondment and registration in TU graduate school
Charriere, M.K.M., Junier, S.J., Mostert, E., Bogaard, T.A. (2012) Flood risk communication - Visualization tools and evaluations of effectiveness. FLOODrisk 2012, 20-22 November, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Oral Presentation
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TUD, Conference presentation, WP5, 2012-01-24
Charrière, M., Bogaard, T., Mostert, E. (2013) Disaster managers' perception of effective visual risk communication for general public. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geo-Information for Disaster Management, 13-14 December 2012, Enschede, The Netherlands.
TUD, Conference presentation, WP5, 2012-10-29
Bogaard, T.A., Malet, J.-P., Schmittbuhl, J. (2012). Hydrological behaviour of unstable clay-shales slopes: The value of cross-disciplinary and multitechnological research at different scales. Hydrological Processes 26 (14) , pp. 2067-2070
CNRS, TUD, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Debieche, T.-H., Bogaard, T.A., Marc, V., Emblanch, C., Krzeminska, D.M., Malet, J.-P. (2012). Hydrological and hydrochemical processes observed during a large-scale infiltration experiment at the Super-Sauze mudslide (France). Hydrological Processes 26 (14) , pp. 2157-2170
CNRS, TUD, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Malet, J.-P., Bogaard, T.A. (2012) Integration of technologies for landslide monitoring and quantitative hazard assessment'. Engineering Geology 128 , pp. 1
CNRS, TUD, ISI Publications, WP1, 2012-10-31
Charriere, M.K.M., Junier, S.J., Mostert, E., Bogaard, T.A. (2013) Flood risk communication - Visualization tools and evaluations of effectiveness. Flood Risk Management – Klijn & Schweckendiek (eds). 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62144-1.
TUD, Conference presentation, WP5, 2013-03-14
Charriere, M.K.M., Bogaard, T.A, Malet, J.-P., Mostert, E. (2013) Increasing awareness and preparedness by an exhibition and studying the
effect of visuals. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5060, EGU General Assembly 2013. Poster Presentation.
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CNRS, TUD, Conference presentation, WP5, 2013-03-14
Charriere, M.K.M., Sprague, T., Bogaard, T.A, Greiving, S., Malet, J.-P., Mostert, E. (2013). Are managers’ and the general public’s perceptions of risk communication needs in line? A French alpine valley case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-3173-2, EGU General Assembly 2013. Oral presentation
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ESR11, ESR12,
CNRS, TUDO, TUD, Conference presentation, WP5, 2013-03-14
Cortes, V.J., Sterlacchini, S., Bogaard, T., Frigerio, S., Schenato, L., and Pasuto,
A. (2014), Decision support methodology to establish priorities on the inspection of structures. Geophysical Research Abstracts
Vol. 16, EGU2014-4189-3, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014.
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TUD, Conference presentation, WP4, 2014-01-18
Cortes Arevalo, V. J., Charriere, M., Bossi, G., Frigerio, S., Schenato, L., Bogaard, T.,
Bianchizza, C., Pasuto, A., and Sterlacchini, S.: Evaluating data quality collected by volunteers for
first-level inspection of hydraulic structures in mountain catchments, Nat.Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,
14, 2681-2698, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2681-2014, 2014.
ESR10, ESR12,
CNR, TUD, ISI Publications, WP4, 2014-01-18