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RiskChanges UserGuide

RiskChanges: a Spatial Decision Support System for analysing changing hydro-meteorological risk

User Guide

This page contains the User Guide for the RiskChanges Spatial Decision Support System. The Users Guide has seven chapters that explain the different modules of the system. Each chapter contains a step-by-step explanation of the module. 

Chapter 1:

This chapter gives an introduction to the objectibves of the RiskChanges SDSS and explains the intended users, and the types of analysis that can be carried out uisng the system. 
Chapter 2:
The SDSS System: general overview
This chapter gives an overview of the software architecture of the RiskChanges SDSS system. One of the objectives within the project is the development of a SDSS system for probabilistic multi-hazard risk assessment taking into account changes in hazard scenarios related to climate change and exposed elements at risk. The aim of this section is to provide an overview of the design of the SDSS
Chapter 3:
The Data Input Module

This chapter describes the module for inputting data into the SDSS. The data is organized into Study Areas that consist of one or more Projects. All the spatial data concerning a study area is uploaded under the Study Area. This data is about Hazard maps and Elements-at-Risk (EaR) maps. Within a Project one or more Scenarios, Alternatives and Future Years can be defined.
Chapter 4:
Loss Calculation and Risk Analysis

This chapter explains the procedure for the loss calculation and risk analysis. The overall Risk calculation is done in two major steps. In the first step, the loss is calculated from all the loss map parameter set records as they were prepared eventually by the Data Input module (see previous chapter). The result of this calculation is the (potential) loss expressed for every individual element at risk. These loss maps form the basis for further risk analysis. The losses are aggregated per administrative unit and expressed into either exposure or risk curves. The first section of this chapter deals with the calculation of the loss maps. The second section explains how to manage the risk analysis and to visualize the results
Chapter 5:
The Visualization Module

The “RiskChanges” Visualization Module is a combination of methods and techniques, which enable the end-users to query, visualize and compare the risk-related data within the SDSS. Basically it consists of front-end web-GIS applications, designed for the particular type of data and the connection to the database and the geoserver for data retrieval and visualization.
Chapter 6:
Cost-Benefit Analysis

This chapter of the users guide is aimed to provide the basics steps to conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) or to modify an existing one. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the terms described here.
Chapter 7:
Multi-Criteria Decision Making

This chapter of the users guide describes the procedure to use the Multi-Criteria Decision Module of the SDSS. Decision making on alternatives for risk reduction planning starts with an intelligence phase for recognition of the decision problems and identifying the objectives. Development of the alternatives and assigning the variable by decision makers to each alternative are employed to the design phase. The final phase evaluates the optimal choice by comparing the alternatives, defining indicators, assigning a weight to each and ranking them
Appendix 1
List of Terms