Detailed programme
Time |
Abstract |
Author |
Title |
09.10 -09.30 |
Abstract |
Key-note presentation:
Suzanne Lacasse (NGI, Norway) |
Benefits and Limitations of Quantitative Risk Assessment in Dealing with Natural Hazards |
Session A: Forecasting future changes in hydro-meteorological hazards
Moderators: Mihai Micu & Jean-Philippe Malet
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
09.30-09.45 |
AO1 |
Gariano, S.L., Brunetti M.T., Melillo M., Peruccacci S. and Guzzetti F.l |
The role of geographic and seasonal factors and land cover change on empirical rainfall thresholds in Italy |
09.45- 10.00 |
AO2 |
Turkington, T., Ettema, J. Malet, J.P., Remaître, A. and Van Westen, C.J.et al.
Impacts of climate change on debris flows – what are some of the challenges? |
10.00- 10.15 |
AO3 |
Malet, J.P., Puissant, A., Schlögel, R., Remaître, A., Desramaut,A.N., Baills, A. and Vandromme, R.
Scenarios of changes in future landslide occurrences and hazard in the South French Alps
10.15-10.30 |
AO4 |
Bresson, E., Arbogast, P., Rabier, F., Paradis, D. and Ohl, P.
Downscaling meteorological quantities for waves and storm-surges hind-casts over French coasts in IncREO project
11.00-11.15 |
AO5 |
Breinl, K., and Turkington, T.
Setting up a stochastic weather generator for estimating future river flood hazards
11.15-11.30 |
AO6 |
Kortcheva, A., Galabov, V. Dimitrova, M. and Bogatchev, A.l
Hindcast of extreme hydro-meteorological events along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
11.30-11.45 |
AO7 |
Assmann, A., Fritsch, K., Rupp, M., Kortcheva, A. and Galabov, V..
An assessment of flood hazard and flood risk due to storm-surg along the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria
11.45-12.00 |
AO8 |
Fressard, M., Lissak, C., Cantat, O. and Maquire, O..
Hydro-meteorological thresholds of the Pays d’Auge landslides and their possible evolution considering climate change tendencies
12.00-12.15 |
AO9 |
Bogaard, T.A. and Greco, R.
Improving representation of hydrological processes in landslide modelling
12.15-12.30 |
AO10 |
Schlögel, R., Malet, J.-P. , Reichenbach, P., Remaître, A.
Landslide magnitude and temporal occurrence in the Ubaye Valley from the analysis of a multi-date inventory
Posters for session A
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
18 November
Lunch time:
12.30 - 13.30
AP1 |
Aouf,L., Paradis, D., Ohl, P., Bresson, E., and Arbogast, P. |
On the use of ARPEGE down-scaled winds in the wave model MFWAM and the storm surge model HYCOM |
AP2 |
Faccini, F., Firpo, M., Luino, F., Piccazzo, M., Sacchini, A. and Turconi, L. |
Geo-hydrological risk and change in rainfall regime: an example from the 4 October 2010 event in Molinassi and Chiaravagna catchments (Genova, Italy)
AP3 |
Niculita, M. and Margarint, M.C.
Landslide inventory for Moldavian Plateau, Romania |
AP4 |
Su, L. and Xu, X.
The analysis of gravel landslide shear wave velocity structure based on dual-source surface wave method
AP5 |
Magliulo, P. and Valente, A.
Mapping direct and indirect fluvial hazard in the Middle Calore River valley (southern Italy)
AP6 |
Choryński,A. , Pińskwar, I., Lewandowski, J., Matczak, P., Kundzewicz, Z.W. and Szwed, M.
Shifts in flood risk management in Poland
AP7 |
Fiorot, G.H., De Oliveira Ferreira, F., Dupont,P., And De Freitas Maciel, G.
Roll Waves Study on Acquabona Watershed: An Application of Mathematical Modelling
AP8 |
Soriano, M., Diodato, N., Revellino, P., Fiorillo, F., and Guadagno, F.M.
Landslide hazard zonation using GIS environment: an example from Calore river basin (southern Italy)
AP9 |
Borgatti, L., Cervi, F., Devoto, S., Princivalle, F., and Scarpelli P.
Is coastal landsliding in blue clays influenced by pore water composition? The case of NW coast of the Island of Malta
AP10 |
Tecca, P. , Deganutti, A.M. and Pasuto, A.
Flow slide hazard assessment of abandoned tailings ponds in Friuli
AP11 |
Guerriero, L., Diodato, N., Fiorillo, F., Revellino, P., Grelle, G. and Guadagno, F.M.
Debris flow slide hazard assessment of abandoned tailings ponds in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
AP12 |
Hussin. H., Zumpano, V., Reichenbach, P., Sterlacchini, S., Micu, M., Van Westen, C.j. and Balteanu, D.
The effect of landslide representation and sample size on susceptibility assessments applied to different landslide types and case study areas
AP13 |
Palma, B., Di Crescenzo, G., Parise, M., Ruocco, A., and Calcaterra, D.
Engineering-geological approach to a preliminary landslide susceptibility assessment for complex coastal cliffs of volcanic origin: the case of Ponza island (Italy)
AP14 |
Deganutti, A.M.
Experimental study on rheology of low friction natural phenomena
AP15 |
Smith, C.A., and Rodhe, L.
Using remotely-sensed paleo-landslide data to assist in locating sensitive clay in Sweden
AP16 |
Schlögel, R., Malet, J.P., Doubre, C. and Lebourg, T.
Structural control on the dynamics of the deep-seated La Clapière Landslide (Tinée Valley, French Alps) from DInSAR and ground-based observations
18 Nov
17.00 – 18.00
AP17 |
Jäger, D., Menzies, J. and Terhorst, B.
Micromorphology in landslide sediments – a different approach for investigating mass movement deposits
AP18 |
Righini, M., Surian, N., Comiti, F. and Marchi, L
Geomorphic response to extreme flood events in alluvial rivers
AP19 |
Ghinoi, A., Freddi, R., Pasuto A. and Soldati, M.
Geomorphological analysis of the historic landslide of Sottrù (Badia Valley, Italy) reactivated on December 13, 2012
AP20 |
Deo, R.C., Hi-Ryong Byun, Do-Woo Kim, and Adamowski, J.F.
Diagnosis of flood events in Brisbane (Australia) using a flood index based on daily effective precipitation
AP21 |
Pinskwar, I, Chorinsky, A., and Kundzewicz, Z.W.
Future changes in extreme precipitation in the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains based on climate model simulations
AP22 |
Calligaris,C.,Devoto, S., Zini, L., and Cucchi, F
Recognition and classification of evaporate karst phenomena: examples of outstanding sinkholes from Sauris (NE Italy)
AP23 |
Ivanova, E.I.
Landslide susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio and analytic hierarchy process (AHP): Comparative study of two different areas in Bulgaria
AP24 |
Zhou, G.
A new theoretical method for analyzing confined dry granular flows
AP25 |
Damen, M. Micu, M. , Zumpano, V., Van Westen, C.J., Sijmons, K. and Balteanu, D.
Landslide mapping and interpretation: implications for landslide susceptibility analysis in discontinuous data environment
Session B: Generating of asset maps, exposure analysis and vulnerability assessment
Moderator: Alessandro Pasuto
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
13.30– 13.45 |
BO1 |
Mueller, M., Fourty, Th., Lefeuvre, M.
Assets mapping products in support of preparedness and prevention measures (examples from Germany, Italy and France)
13.45– 14.00
BO2 |
Assmann, A. and Jäger, S.
Damage assessment for different hazards using the Basic European Assets Map
14.00– 14.15
BO3 |
Ciurean, R., Chen, L., Hussin, H., Van Westen, C.J. Glade, T. Frigerio, S., Pasuto, A.
Quantitative vulnerability assessment of buildings to debris- flows in Fella River Basin using run-out modelling and damage data from the 29th of August 2003 event
14.15– 14.30
BO4 |
Malek, Z.
Future land change scenarios for risk assessment: Linking participatory modelling and geosimulation
14.30– 14.45
BO5 |
Zumpano, V., Malek, Z., Reichenbach, P., Micu, M. and Balteanu, D..
Urban area exposure to landslides under landuse changes scenarios: application in a discontinuous data environment
14.45- 15.00
BO6 |
Kass, S., Reisinger, D., Holzer. C., Suchenwirth, L., Militzer, J., Walli, A., Poletto, D., Deda, M., and Massabo, M..
Exposure analysis while combining EO-derived mapping results with available information for data poor regions (use case: flood in Albania)
Posters for session B
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
18 Nov
17.00 – 18.00
BP1 |
Niculita,M., and Niculita, I.C.
Introduction of soil and land use as elements at risk for flood and landslide risk assessment in the Romanian context of risk and agricultural land evaluation assessment |
BP2 |
Rupp, M. , Burckhardt, L., and Assmann, A.
Modelling vulnerability by road accessibility analysis
BP3 |
Vlad Sandru, I., Radutu,A., Bratasanu,D., and Nedelcu, I.
Influences of deforestation on human safety and quality of life
BP4 |
Nikolova, M.
Assessment of High Mountain Lakes Vulnerability to Climate Change: A case Study from Seven Rila Lakes, Bulgaria
Session C: Risk Management, risk communication and risk governance in a changing environment
Moderator: Stefan Greiving
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
15.30 – 15.45
CO1 |
Jabojedoff, M., Derron, M.H., Nicolet, P. and Olyazadeh, R..
Using the consequence –frequency matrix to reduce the risk: examples and teaching |
15.45 – 16.00
CO2 |
Sprague, T. and Greiving, S. |
Comparing ‘good’ risk governance strategies within an EU context: an exploratory framework for cross-case comparisons
16.00 – 16.15
CO3 |
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Glowacki, W., Komenda, J. and Leroi, E..
The impact of the EU Flood Risk Directive on spatial planning using examples from French and Polish case study sites
16.15 – 16.30
CO4 |
Cortes, J., Sprague,T., Frigerio,S., Bogaard,T.A. and Sterlacchini, S. |
The role of community knowledge and participation for hydraulic-structure inspections: Combining knowledge with action trough citizen-science projects
16.30 – 16.45
CO5 |
Aye, Z.C., Sprague, T., Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Cortes, V.J., Jaboyedoff, M. and Derron, M.H.
Collaborative decision making in selection of risk management strategies through the interactive web-GIS based platform
16.45 – 17.00
CO6 |
Charrière, M.. Junier,S., Bogaard,T.A., Mostert, E. and Malet, J.P.
Testing the effectiveness of visual risk communication in reality. A research approach that is beneficial for both scientists and communities at risk
Posters for session C
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
18 Nov
17.00– 18.00
CP1 |
Margarint, M., and Niculita, M.
Local stakeholders’ perception of natural risks. Case study of lasi County, NE Romania |
CP2 |
Ribas, A., Olcina,J., Hernández, M., and Saurí, D.
Flood policy in Spain: Continuities and changes during the last three decades (1983-2013)
CP3 |
Fernandez, M.
A challenge for land and risk managers: how to manage in multi-risks and multi-vulnerabilities contexts where different actors are involved?
CP4 |
Dittes, B., Špačková, O., and Straub, D.
Climate factor based optimization of adoptive flood protection measures
CP5 |
Salvati, P., Bianchi, C., Fiorucci, F., Giostrella, P., Marchesini, I., and Guzzetti, F.
Perception of flood and landslide risk in Italy: a regional analysis
CP6 |
Łajczak, A.
Does the river training mitigate flood Risk? Case study of Piedmont Section of Vistula River, southern Poland
CP7 |
Balabanova, S., Yordanova, V., and Stoyanova, V.
Development and implementation of a methodology of flood hazard mapping in Bulgaria, as required by Directive 2007/60/EC
CP8 |
Micallef, A.,Alexandrou, A., Gerοsimou, G., Castaldini, D., Micallef, A., Papadopoulos, M., Pla, F., And Poyarkov, V.
Public awareness on natural and technological hazards as a key for safety: the BeSafeNet initiative contribution
Session D: Methods for modelling changing risk to hydro-meteorological hazards
Moderator: Thomas Glade
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
09.00– 09.15 09.00– 09.15
DO1 |
Cui, Peng
Dynamical based risk analysis of debris flows
09.15– 09.30
DO2 |
Schröter, K., Falter, D. Nguyen, D.V., Kreibich, H., Vorogushyn, S., Hundecha, Y., Apel, A. and Merz, B.
Is probability of peak discharge a suitable proxy of damage in flood risk analysis?
09.30– 09.45
DO3 |
Hussin, H., Chen, L., Ciurean, R., Van Westen, C.J. and Reichenbach, P.
Analysing changes in landslide risk using multi temporal landslide susceptibility and run-out modeling on a regional scale |
09.45– 10.00
DO4 |
Ettlin, L., Bründl, M., Bühler, Y. and Christen, M.
Automated risk mapping for buildings endangered by natural hazards
10.00– 10.15
DO5 |
Hackl, J., Adey, B.T., Heitzler, M. and Iosifescu-Enescu, I.
An overarching process to evaluate risks associated with infrastructure networks due to natural hazards
10.15– 10.30
DO6 |
Ronco P., Bullo, M., Gallina, V., Torresan, S. , Critto, A., Zabeo, A., Semenzin, E. and Marcomini, A.
Assessing flood risk at regional scale: the KULTURisk assessment methodology applied in Zurich
Posters for session D
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
19 Nov
12.30 – 13.30
DP1 |
Managing natural risks trough GIS |
DP2 |
Fischer, B., Keiler, M., and Tsao, T.C.
Risk evolution in debris flow prone areas from 1950 – 2014 – Two case studies conducted in Lai-Ji, Taiwan and Sörenberg, Switzerland
DP3 |
Di Salvo, C., Ciotoli, G., Pennica, F., Cavinato G.P., Leone, F., Corazza, A., and Ferri G.
Rainstorm height and flooding effect analysis as a tool for pluvial flood emergency management
DP4 |
Łajczak, A., Czajka, B., and Kaczka, R.J.
Landslide risk at the Babia Góra Flysch Massif (1725), Western Carpathian Mountains
DP5 |
Chen, L., Hussin, H., Ciurean, R., Turkington, T., Van Westen, C.J., Chavarro, D., and Shrestha, D.
Multi-hazard risk assessment in Fella Basin (Italy) using historical hazard inventory and GIS
DP6 |
Ge Y. ,Cui P., Zhang J. , Zeng C., and Su, F.
Catastrophic Debris Flows on July 10 2013 along Min River, the Wenchuan Earthquake Seriously Stroke-area
DP7 |
Antronico, L., and Coscarelli, R.
Impact analysis of hydro-meteorological events on alluvial fans: a case study in Calabria (Southern Italy)
DP8 |
Deo, R.C., Hi-Ryong Byun, and Adamowski, J.F.
Application of Effective Drought Index as a Daily Tool for Quantifying and Monitoring Drought in Australia
Session E: Earth Observation data, geo-information and visualization tools for risk assessment
Moderator: Marc Mueller
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
11.00– 11.15 |
EO1 |
Herrera Cruz, V., Meyer Zu Erpen,N., Mühlbauer, S. and Koppe, W.
Use of global terrain data for future sea-level rise scenarios - A comparison
EO2 |
Anders, K. and Assmann, A.
Operational dike failure simulation
11.30– 11.45
EO3 |
Mantovani, M., Piacentini, D., Devoto, S., Prampolini, M., Pasuto, A. and Soldati, M.
Landslide susceptibility analysis exploiting Persistent Scatterers data in the northern coast of Malta
11.45– 12.00
EO4 |
Fourty, T., Mueller, M., and Lefeuvre, M.
Demonstrator of domino effects including routing analysis for Alpago region, Italy
12.00– 12.15
EO5 |
Van Westen, C.J., Bakker, W.H., Andrejchenko, V., Zhang, K., Berlin, J., Cristal, I. and Olyazadeh, R.
RiskChanges: a Spatial Decision Support System for analysing changing hydro-meteorological risk
12.15– 12.30
EO6 |
Marcato, G., Bossi, G., and Schenato, L.
Cross fertilization in Geoscience: the contributuion of ICT to enhance resilience by web-assisted geohazard monitoring for road infrastructures
Posters for session E
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
19 Nov
12.30 – 13.30
EP1 |
Andrejchenko, V., Bakker, W., and van Westen, C.J.
Design and implementation of a Data Model and Data Input Module for a Multi Hazard Risk Assessment Spatial Support Decision System |
EP2 |
Zhang, K.,van Westen, C.J., and Bakker, W.
Web-based risk assessment techniques for hydro-meteorological hazards
EP3 |
Berlin, J. , Bogaard, T.A., Van Westen, C.J., Bakker, W., Mostert, E. and Dopheide, E.
Implementation of a multi-scenario cost-benefit analysis module for the Risk-CHANGES SDSS platform
EP4 |
Olyazadeh, R., Bakker, W., Boerboom., L., Van Westen, C.J., Jaboyedoff, M. and Derron, M.H.
Integrating scenarios in multi-criteria decision module for “Risk-GHANGES” platform
EP5 |
Cristal, I., Van Westen, C.J., Bakker, W.H. and Greiving, S.
Information visualization as a Decision Support Tool in the RiskChanges Spatial Decision Support System
EP6 |
Ayoniyi, B.R.
Development and application of WEB-GIS for landslide early warning system
EP7 |
Riedmann, M., Bindrich, M., Damen, M., Van Westen, C.J. and Micu, M.
Generating a landslide inventory map using stereo photo interpretation and radar interferometry techniques, a case study from the Buzau area, Romania
EP8 |
Confuorto, P., Di Martire ,D., Ramondini, M. and Calcaterra, D.
Differential SAR interferometry for slow-moving landslide monitoring in Crotone Province (Italy)
Session F: Joint session with UNEP: Ecosystem-based disaster risk management
Moderator: Muralee Thummurkudy and Karen Sudmeier
Time |
Abstract |
Author |
Title |
13.30 – 13.45
FO1 |
Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Devkota, S., Adhikari, A. S., Penna, I., Khanal, R., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M-H.
Community based bio-engineering for reducing erosion along rural roads in Nepal |
13.45 - 14.00
FO2 |
Wahyu Widiyono
Cibodas Biosphere Reserve-Ciliwung River Basin:Role And Problems Related To Eco-DRR Management in Indonesia
14.00 – 14.15
FO3 |
Quader, M.A., Kervyn, M. and Khan, A.U.
Land Cover Changes of the Coast of Bangladesh in Relation to Cyclones and Storm Surges
14.15 – 14.30
FO4 |
Schwarz, M., Dorren, L., and Thormann, J.J.
SLIDEFORNET: a web tool for the assessment of the protective forest function on unstable slopes
14.30 – 14.45
FO5 |
Casteller, A., Bühler, Y., and Bebi, P.
Evaluation of the protective capacity of forests against snow avalanches in the Chilean Andes
14.45 – 15.00
FO6 |
Lange, W., Valverde, Y., Medeiros, R., Schelchen, A., Cavalcante, L., Duenow, L., and Pirzer, C.
HumaNature2 = Mutual protection risk perception and adaptation to climate change based on ecosystems in the Mata Atlantica, Brazil
Posters for session F
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
19 Nov 12.30–13.30 |
FP1 |
S. S. L. Hettiarachchi
Investigating the performance of coastal ecosystems for hazard mitigation
Session G: Joint session with IAG on Geomorphological hazards: Lessons learned and transferability of multi-hazard risk assessment methods to developing countries.
Moderators: Sunil De and Mauro Soldati
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
15.30 – 15.45
GO1 |
De, S.K., and Ghosh, K.
Regional scale landslide risk assessment and proposed management plan – a case study on Dhalai District, Tripura, India |
15.45 – 16.00
GO2 |
Osei, P.
Modeling the changes in exposure and vulnerability in Accra, Ghana for the future
16.00 – 16.15
GO3 |
Frey, H., García-Hernández, J., Huggel, C., Schneider, D., Rohrer, M., Gonzales Alfaro, C., Muñoz Asmat, R., Price Rios K., Meza Román, L., and Cochachin Rapre, A.
An Early Warning System for lake outburst floods of the Laguna 513, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
16.15 – 16.30
GO4 |
Riedmann, M., Bindrich, M., Damen, M., Van Westen, C.J. and Micu, M.
Generating a landslide inventory map using stereo photo interpretation and radar interferometry techniques, a case study from the Buzau area, Romania
16.39 -16.45
GO5 |
Jetten, V. , Alkema, D. van Westen, C.J. and Brussel, M.
Development of the Caribbean Handbook on Disaster Risk Information Management.
16.45 - 17.00 |
Final remarks
ESRs and Cees van Westen
Posters for session G
Time |
Abstract |
Authors |
Title |
19 Nov
Badjana, H.M., Renard, B., Helmschrot, J., Flugel, W.A., Wala, K., and Afouda, A.
Trend analysis in rainfall patterns in the Kara river basin (Togo and Benin) via Bayesian framework
GP3 |
Jafar Nazemosadat, S.M., GhaedAmini, H. and Sabziparvar, A.A.
Geographical factors variability of precipitation regime
GP4 |
Lotfi, L.
Coupling Field-SIG-Remote Sensing to Map Flooding. Case of Urban Agglomerations of Bou-Salem and Mjez El-Beb (Northwest Tunisia)
GP5 |
Hu, K., Chen X., Ge Y., and Yuan T.
Risk analysis of geohazards caused by “8.03” Ludian Earthquake in Yunnan Province, China
GP6 |
Ben Zaied, M., Mul, M.L., Abdeladhim, M.A., Ouessar, M., Sghaier, M.,Liersch, S., Reinhardt, J. and Yahyaoui, H.
Climate Change and Development Impacts Using WEAP modeling to Assess Natural resources in the Oum Zessar Watershed, Tunesia
GP7 |
Javadi, S., Najafi, H., Jafari, F., Mahmood, S. and Behbahan, R.
Estimating Land Subsidence Risk Scenarios Using Mathematical Modeling and Field Measurements: Case Study of Qom Aquifer, Iran
GP8 |
Tang, C.X. and Van Westen, C.J.
Analysis of post-earthquake landslide activity and geo-environmental effects
Time |
Authors |
Title |
18 November
Lunch time:
12.30 - 13.30
Aouf, L. et al. |
On the use of ARPEGE down-scaled winds in the wave model MFWAM and the storm surge model HYCOM |
Faccini, F. et al. |
Geo-hydrological risk and change in rainfall regime: an example from the 4 October 2010 event in Molinassi and Chiaravagna catchments (Genova, Italy)
Niculita, M. / Margarint, M.
Landslide inventory for Moldavian Plateau, Romania |
Lijun, S./ Xiqngqian, X
The analysis of gravel landslide shear wave velocity structure based on dual-source surface wave method
Magliulo, P./ Valente, A.
Mapping direct and indirect fluvial hazard in the Middle Calore River valley (southern Italy)
Chorynski, A. et al.
Shifts in flood risk management in Poland
Fiorot, G.
Roll Waves Study on Acquabona Watershed: An Application of Mathematical Modelling
Soriano, M. et al.
Landslide hazard zonation using GIS environment: an example from Calore river basin (southern Italy)
Borgatti, L. et al.
Is coastal landsliding in blue clays influenced by pore water composition? The case of NW coast of the Island of Malta
Tecca, P. , Deganutti, A. and Pasuto, A.
Flow slide hazard assessment of abandoned tailings ponds in Friuli
Guerriero, L. et al.
Forecasting earth-flow reactivation using a hydro-climatological model and CMIP3+ data, Montaguto earth flow, southern Italy
López, J.
Effects of global change on hydro-geomorphological hazards in Mediterranean rivers
Palma, B. et al.
Engineering-geological approach to a preliminary landslide susceptibility assessment for complex coastal cliffs of volcanic origin: the case of Ponza island (Italy)
Deganutti, A.
Experimental study on rheology of low friction natural phenomena
Smith, C. and Rodhe, L.
Using remotely-sensed paleo-landslide data to assist in locating sensitive clay in Sweden
R. Schlögel , J.-P. Malet, C. Doubre, T. Lebourg
Structural control on the dynamics of the deep-seated La Clapière Landslide (Tinée Valley, French Alps) from DInSAR and ground-based observations
18 Nov
17.00 – 18.00
Jäger, D., Menzies, J. and Terhorst, B.
Micromorphology in landslide sediments – a different approach for investigating mass movement deposits
Righini, M. et al.
Geomorphic response to extreme flood events in alluvial rivers
Ghinoi, A. et al.
Geomorphological analysis of the historic landslide of Sottrù (Badia Valley, Italy) reactivated on December 13, 2012
Deo, R. et al.
Diagnosis of flood events in Brisbane (Australia) using a flood index based on daily effective precipitation
Pinskwar, I, Chorinsky, A., Kundzewicz, Z.
Future changes in extreme precipitation in the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains based on climate model simulations
Calligaris, Ch. et al.
Recognition and classification of evaporate karst phenomena: examples of outstanding sinkholes from Sauris (NE Italy)
Ivanova, E.
Landslide susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio and analytic hierarchy process (AHP): Comparative study of two different areas in Bulgaria
Zhou, G.
A new theoretical method for analyzing confined dry granular flows