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Registration and hotel booking will be possible only through the on line procedures and accepted until November 9th 2014. Please note that from November 9, registrations will be processed as on-site registrations therefore some services cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore for late and on-site registrations we accept payment by credit card only.
Participant registration fee includes:
• Access to all conference sessions
• Coffees and lunches at the Conference venue
• Conference wallet with digital proceedings
Registration fees
Fees are in Euros (€), VAT 22% included - Invoice will be issued for every fee paid and mailed to your e-mail address.
Early bird fee
Till September 30th 2014
Regular fee
Till October 30th 2014
Late and On site fee**
From November 9 2014
Registration fees |
€ 150,00
€ 122,95 + VAT*
€ 225,00
€ 184,43 + VAT*
€ 300,00
€ 245,90 + VAT*
Fees are in Euros (€), VAT 22% included - Invoice will be issued for every fee paid and mailed to your e-mail address.
**by credit card only
*VAT exemption – only for employees of Italian Public Administration
Please note that, in accordance with Italian law, all participants, irrespective of their country of origin, are required to pay 22% VAT on registration fees; VAT exemption is only for employees of Italian Public Administration.
Nota per i dipendenti di Enti Pubblici Italiani
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni che iscriveranno i propri dipendenti, per poter usufruire dell'esenzione IVA ai sensi dell'art. 10 del DPR 633/72 - come modificato dall'art.14, comma 10 della legge 24 dicembre 1993, n. 537 - dovranno inviare via fax (049 651320), unitamente alla stampa dell’e-mail di riepilogo dell’iscrizione, una dichiarazione (contenente tutti i dati fiscali dell’Ente, nome del dipendente e titolo del congresso) in cui si specifichi che il partecipante per cui viene pagata la quota d’iscrizione è un loro dipendente autorizzato a frequentare l’evento.
Si accettano anche autocertificazioni, con documento di identità allegato, contenenti le stesse informazioni. La fattura verrà così intestata all'Ente di appartenenza
Registration Cancellation Policy and refunds
Cancellation must be always confirmed in writing: don’t forget to include all your bank’s information. All cancellations must be notified by October 30th 2014. All refunds are subject to an administrative fee of € 25,00. After this date, no refunds.
Fees must be paid in Euro (€) to Sistema Congressi by credit card (Visa, Mastercard) or bank transfer.
If you choose to pay by bank transfer:
Beneficiary: "Sistema Congressi S.r.l."
Beneficiary Address: Via Trieste, 26 – 35121 Padova, Italy
Bank name: Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto, Agenzia n. 7, Padova, Italy
Account n°: 07400470028S
ABI: 06225
CAB: 12107
Swift Address: IBSPIT2P
International Bank Account Number: IT86R062251210707400470028S
Please specify “CHANGES 2014”, your name and family name as a description of payment. Please note that all bank charges must be covered by Remitter.
Personal or Company cheques will not be accepted. Please note that admission to the Conference cannot be guaranteed unless full payment has been received. Where payment is still pending or delayed, registrants will be asked to pay the outstanding amount upon arrival.
Invoice will be issued for any fee paid and sent to your e-mail address.

This link will guide you to the online application form. If this link doesn't work you can paste the following URL in your browser: https://sistemacongressi.fervetopus.net/en/sistemacongressi/changes-2014/
Upon completing the registration procedures, a message will be sent to your e-mail address fromregistration@sistemacongressi.com with the summary of the selected options and the total amount due.
Please note that hotel booking is possible (please check first the Accommodation link for all details) but should be made through the online registration form while registering as a second access is not possible.