ESR05 Roxana Liliana Ciurean
Name |
Roxana Liliana Ciurean |
Nationality |
Romanian |
Address |
University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 1010 Vienna, Austria |
Telephone |
+43-1-4277-486 94; +43 699 193 62422 |
Fax |
+43-1-4277-9 531 |
E-mail |
roxana.liliana.ciurean@univie.ac.at |
Host Organisation |
Research topic |
Vulnerability and loss assessment of buildings to hydro-meteorological hazards: exploring uncertainties in data and models |
Work package |
WP2 Evaluating changes in exposed elements at risk and their vulnerability |
Research interests |
Vulnerability assessment, quantitative risk analysis, uncertainty analysis, remote sensing and GIS, hydro-geomorphological processes
Publications and conference presentations
Aye, Z.C., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M-H., van Westen, C.J., Hussin, H.Y., Ciurean, R.L., Frigerio, S., Pasuto, A. (2016). An interactive web-GIS tool for risk analysis: a case study in the Fella River Basin, Italy. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 85-101, doi:10.5194/nhess-16-85-2016, 2016.
Ciurean R.L, Chen L., Hussin H., van Westen C., Glade T., Frigerio S., Pasuto A. (2014) Quantitative vulnerability assessment of buildings to debris-flows in Fella River Basin using run-out modeling and damage data from the 29th of August 2003 event, International Conference "Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards", 18-19 November 2014, Padova, Italy
Ciurean R.L., Hussin H., van Westen C.J., Jaboyedoff M., Nicolet P., Chen L., Frigerio S. and Glade T. (2016) Multi-scale debris flow vulnerability assessment and direct loss estimation of buildings in the Eastern Italian Alps (accepted, Natural Hazards)
Eidsvig U., McLean A., Vangelsten B. V., Kalsnes B., Ciurean R.L., Argyroudis S., Winter M., Mavrouli O. C., Fotopoulou S., Pitilakis K., Baills A., Malet J. P., Kaiser G. (2014) Assessment of socioeconomic vulnerability to landslides using an indicator-based approach: methodology and case studies, Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ., 73 (2), 307–324
Godfrey A., Ciurean R.L., van Westen C.J., Kingma N.C., Glade T. (2015) Assessing vulnerability of buildings to hydro-meteorological hazards
using an expert based approach – An application in Nehoiu Valley,
Romania, Interational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 13, pp 229 - 241
Hussin H.Y., Ciurean R., Frigerio S., Marcato G., Calligaris C., Reichenbach P., Van Westen C.J. and Glade T. (2014) Assessing the effect of mitigation measures on landslide hazard using 2D numerical runout modelling. In: Sassa K., Canuti P., Yin Y., (eds.). Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Springer International Publishing, pp 679-684
Jaedicke C., Van Den Eeckhaut M., Nadim F., Hervas J., Kalsnes B., Vangelsten B.V., Smith J.T., Tofani V., Ciurean R.L., Winter M.G., Sverdrup-Thygeson K., Syre E., Smebye H. (2014) Identification of landslide hazard and risk ‘hotspots’ in Europe, Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ., 73 (2), pp 325 – 339