WP6-Network training and dissemination


WP Leader: ITC (Cees van Westen)

Whereas the previous 5 Work Packages focus on the CRTP, this work package is directed to network activities and includes all activities related to Network Coordination, the organization of training courses and topical workshops, and the dissemination of the results. The Network coordination activities include the organization of the network, contact with the EU representative, coordination of the hiring procedures for the ESR/ERs, assignment of tasks to the partners, monitoring of the progress of the work in the various work packages, reporting to the EU, and regular audits. The training component of this network, which will be elaborated on in section B.4 focuses on the organisation of network-wide activities in the field of training, knowledge sharing, and presentation of scientific results. Training will be done in the form of intensive training courses on topics that are relevant for all of the ESR/ERs, and which often involve experts from the private companies involved as associated partners, or by inviting experts on particular topics from elsewhere. Combined with the intensive training courses, topical workshops are organized, in which also the partners and associated partners will participate, to present and discuss the scientific aspects related to the various Work Packages. The intention is to organise these topical workshops and courses in the four pilot study areas.
Stakeholders from governmental organisations and private companies dealing with various aspects of risks will be actively involved in the activities of the network, to guarantee user oriented development and feasible application of the results. Dissemination activities include the creation of a project website, project brochures, a DVD, and a distance education package. The website will be the host of the platform for probabilistic risk assessment, and the DSS for risk management that are developed in WPs 3/4. The training materials developed in WP5 will also be included on the website, and integrated into a distance education course on Multi-hazard risk assessment.


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