Meeting 24 to 29 June, 2013 at Seolane Barcelonnette, France |
TS 3 |
Technical skills course 3:Tools for Risk Management |
WS 2 |
Workshop 2: Environmental changes |
WS 3 |
Workshop 3: Modelling changes in Hazards and risk |
List of participants |
List of participants with short description of their research |
Programme |
Download the programme |
Day 1 |
Introduction (by Jean-Philippe Malet) |
French PPR methodology for risk assessment (Jean_Philippe Malet and Alexandre Remaitre). Part 1 . Part 2. |
The Swiss system for risk assessment of natural hazard (Michel Jaboyedoff). Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 |
Example of Risk prevention plan in Provence Alpes (Nathalie Marçot, BRGM) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Prevention and Insurance (Roland Nussbaum, director MNR) |
Flood risk assessment exercise (developed by UNIL) |
Rockfall risk assessment exercise (developed by UNIL) |
Day 2 |
PPP for development of natural catastrophe insurance in Europe (Roland Nussbaum, Director MNR) |
Conceptualizing Human-Flood interactions (Giuliano Di Baldassarre, UNESCO-IHE Delft) |
Presentations of participants (zip files download first). Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 |
Presentations hazard and risk mapping exercises (Swiss and French methods):
Flood hazard and risk assessment using the Swiss system (1) |
Flood hazard and risk assessment using the Swiss system (2) |
Rockfall hazard maps using the Swiss system |
Debris flow hazard and risk mapping in Faucon, using the French system |
Debrisflow hazard and risk mapping in Sauniere, using the French system |
Landslide hazard and risk mapping in Faucon using the French system |
Day 3 |
Presentations |
Change detection in monitoring time series (Thom Bogaard) |
Practical rainfall pattern anaysis for landslides and debris flows (Alexandre Remaitre) |
Sensor network for monitoring and Early Warning (Eric Peters, Alert Solutions) |
Day 4 |
Fieldwork |
Day 5 |
OVerview of Global Positioning Systems (Gilbert Ferhat) |
Day 6 |
Classification of Landslide-Inducing Anthropogenic Activities (C Michoud) |